5 reasons why a silk pillowcase is good for hair loss

It can be hard to process and get used to seeing your hair lose its former vitality and break so much.

Hair loss stemming from hair damage is a crucial stage where your hair needs all the love and attention it can get to return to a healthy state.

It's a gradual process that requires patience and commitment.

However, during this process, it is best to avoid methods, techniques, or products that could inevitably set your progress back, and that includes paying attention to your nighttime care routine.

Hair undergoing hair loss is in a fragile state, and sleeping on a harsh surface can do more damage.

This is why sleeping on a Mulberry silk pillowcase is advised for transitioning damaged hair to its healthy stage.

However, silk pillowcases offer much more than being a safe space for your hair.

Here are five reasons why silk pillowcases are good for your scalp and hair during hair loss

Why Silk Pillowcases are Good for Your Scalp and Hair During Hair Loss?

Hair loss can arise from a variety of reasons not limited to damage done to the hair.

 Silk pillowcases do not have the power to alter the dynamic of the hair, but what it can do instead is aid the process of change, helping the treatment make a difference by not setting back the progress.

Silk pillowcases do that in the following ways:

Silk pillowcases help keep moisture in your hair

1 - Silk pillowcases help keep moisture in your hair

For certain hair types that fall into the curly hair category, the oval shape of the follicles makes it significantly harder for natural oils or sebum to travel down the hair shaft, resulting in dryness.

For hair suffering from hair loss, this dryness can cause even more breakage.

 Here are two ways silk pillowcases can help:

First, you could douse your hair with moisturizing and protein-bonding treatments to fight hair loss, but if you sleep on a cotton pillowcase, it will sap your hair of these treatments, leaving it dry, prone to tangling, and causing more hair loss but this wouldn't be the case with silk pillowcases.

Secondly, silk pillowcases—and silk in general—contain a natural protein called fibroin. Fibroin has a high capacity to retain moisture by forming a thin protective barrier on the surface of the scalp and hair, which helps lock in hydration and prevent dryness.

Additionally, fibroin is rich in amino acids that can bind and attract water molecules, further aiding in hydration.

This is one of the reasons protein treatments are used in the restoration of damaged hair.

A Silk pillowcase will minimise tangles

2 - A Silk pillowcase will minimise tangles

In most cases, the reason behind hair loss is the hair being in a fragile and weakened state due to the damage it has received over time.

In this state, it is not advisable to put any strain on the hair; you should minimize physical manipulation.

The harsh and moisture-stripping surface of cotton can be too rough on the hair strands, causing them to tangle, which leads to breakage.

Silk is naturally hypoallergenic

3 - Silk is naturally hypoallergenic

Silk is derived from silkworms and contains natural protein fibers. Since it has no synthetic components, there's no trigger for allergic reactions.

Additionally, the smooth texture of silk pillowcases prevents the harboring of dust mites, pollen, or other allergens that might be found in cotton materials.

Silk is less likely to trap moisture, reducing the risk of creating an environment conducive to bacteria, mold, and mildew—all of which could trigger allergies and other respiratory issues.

Furthermore, because silk allows air to flow through it freely, it reduces the likelihood of sweating, which could contribute to the growth of allergens and irritants.

Good scalp health, promoted by these properties, translates to better hair health.

A Silk pillowcase keeps your scalp cool

4 - A Silk pillowcase keeps your scalp cool

By keeping your scalp cool and dry, silk pillowcases contribute to improving your hair health. Silk has moisture-regulating properties, which means it can both retain and absorb moisture.

What makes it different from cotton is that cotton absorbs moisture and leaves your scalp and hair dry, whereas silk wicks away excess moisture, such as sweat at night, and releases it into the air.

5 - Sleeping on silk improves sleep quality

Improving sleep quality is closely linked to the sensation of silk. Its smooth texture feels like sleep opening its arms to you, inviting you into a warm hug. Better sleep would lead to better skin and hair quality. When your body gets the rest it needs, it shows in your overall health.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with hair loss can be a long game, one that requires plenty of time and patience.

You wouldn't get immediate results, but having a silk pillowcase would definitely be beneficial for the process.

There are so many affordable yet quality silk pillowcases out there! You could also check out our collection.

Michelle Fletcher Smith